As a website designer…

You’ll find me surrounded by sketches and post-it notes or with my head buried in photoshop. I love to digest content towards a clean and effective website.  To discern just the right typography, layout and style to make content sing.

Layout and content strategy

Being mindful about which content is most important and intentional about how it’s displayed is critical. I love spending time sketching and strategising the best approaches to ensure a website is visually easy to digest and intuitive to navigate.

Accessibility and responsiveness

I’ve spent a large part of my career within the accessibility and disability sector so am very mindful of the variety of ways people access content. As such I have a passion for both website responsiveness across devices and web standards towards accessibility.

Typography and colour

Typography and colour combine to create their own language in communicating content and value. I love iterating through designs and mockups to create the perfect balance of clarity and flair.

As a programmer…

I love to build custom web applications and plugins, work with databases, payment gateways and third party apis. You’ll find me poring over documentation, sifting through server logs and coding into the night.

Application development

Over the years i’ve coded mobile apps for ios and android, custom content management systems, video subscription platforms, google app engine backends and loads more. I love discovering a new platform with a new horizon of possibilities (and maybe a new programming language to boot)!

Custom plugins

I love developing custom plugins that make life easier. I’ve built several custom WordPress plugins, NetSuite plugins, jQuery plugins and maintain a popular Sublime Text plugin CSS Less(ish). Plugins are a wealth of fun for me, and ideally make life easier for others.

Optimisation and analytics

I love getting behind the scenes, analysing server logs, deploying caching layers and generally optimising a site’s speed and responsiveness.

As an online enthusiast…

You’ll often find me brimming with inspiration after browsing award winning website galleries or github project repositories. I simply love the potential and eclectic nature of this web of ours.

Where to from here?

Check out some of my recent work

Recent work

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